Nigeria has been selected to host the 2022 International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Air Services Negotiation.
This was disclosed by the Minister of Aviation, Sen. Hadi Sirika.
According to him, the ICAO Air Service Negotiation (ICAN), considered Nigeria a good candidate at this year’s event held in Bogota, Colombia, and proposed the hosting of ICAN 2022 to underscore the country’s rising profile within the aviation world.
“I will like to personally send the greeting of President Muhammad Buhari to you all, especially the government and people of Colombia.
“On behalf of our nation Nigeria, it is more than an honour that we are considered as a good candidate to host ICAN 2022,” he said.
The minister added the offer is a good one that will make people see some of the nation’s history, culture and traditions.
“We accept this offer and I can assure you that you will have a very good time seeing the culture, history, tradition, people and places in Nigeria, just like you did during ICAO World Aviation Forum (IWAF/3) and the ICAO Workshop on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) in Nigeria sometime ago.
“Imagine travelling to 70 or more countries negotiating air services agreements and concluding on certain agreements. It is a very noble idea by ICAO to have a one-stop-shop for all of us to sit here and share common visions, negotiate and, of course, arrive at mutual agreements and understanding for effective management of civil aviation around the world,” he stressed.
COVID-19 is a difficult one that has affected the world, including Nigeria but civil aviation has survived it.
“Civil aviation is in a difficult circumstance because of the global pandemic (COVID-19) facing the world, but as the tradition by civil aviation. Look at situations with the Spanish flu, 9/11 and many other pandemics,” he said.
The ICAO Air Negotiation (ICAN) events provide states with a central meeting place to conduct multiple and bilateral (regional and plurilateral) air services negotiations or consultations.
It offers a forum for participants to learn about current trends, discuss and exchange experiences, as well as provide excellent networking opportunities.
“The hosting of ICAN by the country, coming after it hosted the IWAF/3 and the ICAO Symposium on Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) is a clear indication of the organisation’s confidence in Nigeria’s aviation management and an endorsement by the world body of its reform programmes for the sector,” he added.