The Jikwoyi Landlords Association has accused the Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC) of sabotaging the process of prepaid meter distribution in the area.
A statement by the association signed by its public relations officer, Adamu Shittu, accused the company of deliberately sabotaging the process to frustrate residents’ effort to get prepaid meters.
It alleged officers of the company used the guise of inadequate arrangements for distribution to financially exploit residents.
The statement reads in part: “The Federal Government has made electricity meters available to AEDC to distribute to electricity users yet the people cannot access the meters due to deliberate frustrating distribution method by AEDC.
“All those who need meter around Karu, Nyanya, Jikwoyi, Orozo, Karshi have been requested to pick meters from Karu AEDC office, without adequate arrangements to make meters available to them, leading to overcrowding of the Karu AEDC Area office with near breakdown of order, deliberately inducing customers to pay money illegally for meters.
“The situation is highly frustrating and de humanizing. Must Nigerians be subjected to suffering and pains to attain basic comfort? AEDC must decentralize the distribution point for convenience of our people. If this is not done it shows there is sabotage in the distribution.
“The Federal Ministry of Power and NERC must do the needful now if the federal government’s efforts are to affect the people positively. From all indications, AEDC is not willing to give meters to electricity consumers but rather to continue estimated billing which is a means to cheat consumers. Jikwoyi residents have been the lead voice for mass metering. Hence things must be done rightly in this regard.”
The statement further said Jikwoyi Landlords Association would not fold its hands to watch this injustice.