

Making Case For Open Internet, Its Beauty

On Thursday, September 29, 2022, in Bucharest, Romania, 193 member nations of the 157-year-old International Telecommunications Union (ITU) (now 158 years old) converged for...

Subsidy Removal Palliative Distribution Vs Question Of Reliable Database

What is the actual population of Nigeria? How many males and females reside in the country? How many people genuinely qualify as indigent? What...

Global SDG Funding Deficits & 2030 Targets

"With only a fraction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on track at the halfway point of the 2030 Agenda, it is urgent to...

Bridging Rural Devt Gap With Technology

The 21st century has ushered in a radical revolution across all aspects of life, driven by digital technology. The unprecedented changes in how we...

Broadband Connectivity Vs NCC Advocacy

In 2020, the announcement of a new broadband plan (2020-2025) brought hope to those of us well-acquainted with the potential of broadband. We anticipated...

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