
African Youths Leverage Digital Tools To Boost Agriculture, Food Security

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Young innovators across Africa are increasingly turning to digital technology to transform the continent’s agricultural landscape. This emerging trend, known as digital agriculture, is significantly enhancing productivity, reducing waste and improving market access, with the ultimate goal of ensuring food security for Africa’s rapidly growing population.

Digital agriculture involves the use of mobile technology, data analytics, and online platforms to address longstanding challenges in food production and distribution. These tools enable farmers, especially those in remote and rural areas, to access the latest agricultural knowledge, market trends and financial services, thereby empowering them to make informed decisions and increase their yields.

Organisations such as Sahel Consulting, Sahel Capital and African Food Changemakers (AFC) are playing pivotal roles in driving this digital revolution. Through various initiatives, they are equipping young entrepreneurs with the skills, knowledge and networks needed to succeed in the agricultural sector.

Sahel Consulting, for instance, runs the Sahel Scholars’ Programme, which focuses on capacity building through conferences, internships, mentorship, and scholarships. This programme aims to nurture the next generation of leaders in agriculture, ensuring that young people are well-prepared to lead and innovate in the sector.

Similarly, African Food Changemakers (AFC) supports young Africans who are passionate about creating sustainable food systems. AFC’s initiatives, such as the Leading African Women in Food Fellowship (LAWFF) Program, provide platforms for collaboration, knowledge exchange and market access, amplifying the impact of these young leaders.

One notable success story is that of Samson Ogbole in Nigeria, who is redefining agriculture through soilless farming techniques. By leveraging digital tools to monitor and control farm conditions, Samson has demonstrated that higher productivity can be achieved with fewer resources. His innovative approach not only enhances efficiency but also contributes to a more sustainable agricultural practice.

In Rwanda, Jean Claude Niyomugabo has developed a digital platform that connects farmers with real-time market information. This tool enables farmers to make better decisions regarding when and where to sell their produce, helping them secure higher prices and reduce post-harvest losses.

Despite these promising developments, several challenges still hinder the full potential of digital agriculture in Africa. Limited access to digital infrastructure in rural areas, high technology costs and a lack of digital literacy among smallholder farmers remain significant barriers.

To address these issues, experts call for increased investment in digital infrastructure, particularly in underserved rural areas. They also emphasize the importance of making technology more affordable and providing training programmes to equip farmers with the necessary skills to use digital tools effectively.

Moreover, policies that support innovation and entrepreneurship in agriculture are crucial for sustaining the momentum of the digital agriculture revolution. By creating an enabling environment, African governments can encourage more young people to venture into the agricultural sector, contributing to the continent’s food security agenda.

These topics and more will be discussed at the upcoming Sahel Scholars Conference 2024, themed “Nourishing Tomorrow: Youth-Driven Solutions for Sustainable Food Security.” Scheduled for August 15, 2024, the virtual event will bring together industry leaders, innovators and stakeholders to explore the future of agriculture in Africa.

The conference promises insightful presentations and discussions on leveraging digital technologies to transform agriculture. Participants will gain valuable insights into how young entrepreneurs are using these tools to shape the future of food security on the continent.

Registration for the event is currently open, and interested participants can secure their spot by visiting the conference’s official website

Wisdom Ezechi
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